OLINT’s David Smith Arrested again

Investforlife can now confirm that David Smith of OLINT, OLINT TCI and TCI FX among others, has been arrested again. A source in the Turks and Caicos and more importantly the  Financial Crimes Unit has also confirmed the arrest.

We now understand that there are additional charges as outlined below.

  • 1 count of Theft
  • 1 count of Obtaining property by  deception
  • 2 counts of Money Laundering

He was granted by in the sum of US$ 2 million.

Last week, an Liquidator to wind up  OLINT TCI was appointed.  An article appearing in the Jamaica Observer today indicated that David Smith apparent fears returning to Jamaica but it seems he is facing more legal troubles in the Turks and Caicos.

OLINT and its related companies has failed to pay investors since at least January 2008.  Many feeder clubs associated with OLINT have not paid either.


OLINT to be wound up

The  TCI Weekly News is reporting that OLINT TCI is to be wound up beginning Tuesday June 2, 2009.

David Smith home and offices were raid in July 2008 and assets frozen by the TCI Law enforcement.  Later that month, OLINT and David Smith’s accounts in the USA were frozen. In February  2009 he was charged by the TCI authorities for fraud and other theft related offences

The TCI weekly quotes, Justice Richard Williams as revealing that the Supreme Court in TCI had personally received “streams of correspondence” from anxious local investors.

“I feel terrible for them, it’s sad for all the people.” – Justice Richard Williams

The question then, is there enough money. According to the TCI weekly, Justice Williams is reported as saying the following:

“The amounts that the AG disclosed to me, there are not the amounts in that account to meet the amounts the creditors say they are owed.” … 

Appointment of Liquidator opposed

However, it is understood that OLINT through its directors David and Tracy Smith are apposing the appointment of a liquidator. In the Cash Plus case Carlos Hill seem originally alright with the receiver but later fought to have the receiver removed. Subsequently a liquidator was appointed in the Cash Plus case. It should be noted There is already a wind-up order in place for TCI FX trader, a TCI based company.

In general, since January 2008, investors in OLINT has not been paid interest and have been unable to have their principal repaid.

There are currently a number of lawsuits against OLINT in the TCI and in the USA. It is interesting what will become of those lawsuits now that the liquidator has been appointed, given the lessons learnt from Cash Plus and other failed PONZIs.



How did Olint steal your money, and how David Smith planned to get away with it.

From all the information that has been made available, it appears that David Smith really did little or no forex trading in the years prior to 2006 and then in 2007 attempted to create the illusion that he was really a big time trader.

I am of the view that and the end of 2006 and into 2007, the cash laying around in Olint had started to deplete as some persons opted to get out after the fight with the FSC.

Having recognized that he would more than likely soon ran out of money DS decided to make some changes that would allow him to steal as much as possible as he  in was in fact being robbed by his “partners”.

David Smith gathers his lawyers and began the process of separating his client’s money from them, and actually making the clients facilitate this process unknowingly.

Olint created a what was later  called a “private club members agreement” which was a new membership document which each client was told to sign and return or risked being kicked out of the club.

This new document( as far as I am aware) had no protection which had be offered in the earlier membership agreement, as while in the former it was stated that 80% of your funds where secured, this new agreement had no such thing. (We will get back to this later).

In early 2006, David Smith partnered with the Martinez to form I- Trade FX, as this was now going to be the vehicle used to steal as much money as was possible from his remaining client. (He was added as co-owner in Sept 2006)

David Smith subsequently started wiring funds to “fund” this account and appeared to have been doing some trading, in order to give his clients the appearance that he was really a super forex trader.

The trades that were being done were not particularly successful, but this was only a part of the larger plan, as now he could tell is loyal clients that he had lost most of the money while trading, which in this field was not illegal. You see the new agreement that his clients signed, gave DS full control over the pool of funds available and there was no protection being offered to his clients (i.e. no 80% was sitting around safely in the bank.)

While David Smith was trading and racking up losses (deliberately so), he was being assisted by other in moving the funds that he had been transferring into his personal accounts all over the world.

The losses that were been incurred on his trading platform were actually payments being made to his partner i.e. the co-owner of I trade FX (Really clever don’t you think). The trading records would show actual losses, (as he really did not want the fraudulent activity to be as brazen as he writing a check to these guys), so how better to get it done, while making it  appear to be a legitimate business(trading) activity.

The creation of TCIFX hedge fund was really smoke screen activity, once again to give the appearance that genuine trading activities were taken place, and where only done to increase cash flow to Olint thus allowing the process to continue for a while longer,which facilitated the concealment of stolen funds.

David Smith is very well aware how law  enforcement officials works in the Caribbean and so with very limited resources on their hands, they cannot afford the time or money to track the loot that may have been spread to all corners of the world.


The account of activities mentioned above have not been verified by law enforcement, and is based on available records from the NFA, the FSC and personal views.

NFA fines I Trade FX LLC $250,000

Investforlife has just received news earlier today that the NFA has imposed a US$250,000 fine on I Trade FX LLC for failing to implement a anti-money laundering program.

April 28, Chicago – National Futures Association (NFA) has fined I Trade FX LLC (I-Trade) $250,000 for failing to implement an adequate anti-money laundering (AML) program. I-Trade is a Futures Commission Merchant and Forex Dealer Member of NFA located in Lake Mary, Florida. I-Trade solely conducts retail, off-exchange forex business. The Decision, issued by an NFA Hearing Panel, is based on an NFA Complaint filed in June 2008

The Panel found that I-Trade failed to adequately implement its AML program by not filing a suspicious activity report (SAR), not investigating deposit and withdrawal activities of the accounts of two Jamaican investment clubs, Olint TCI and TCI FX, and not investigating the source of funds received from two of I-Trade’s customers.

See final judgement here at this link.


Olint Feeder club CEO arrested by FBI

The Sunday Herald is reporting that the head  of one of  Olint’s  largest feeder club, Mr Chester Stewart, of Regency Capital Investments has been arrested by the FBI.

Stewart, who worked at a leading investment house, was charged for money laundering and wire fraud. He is said to be a close associate of Olint boss David Smith and several leading local businessmen and politician”.

Link here:


A Stanford -Olint link ?

There are speculations that there may have been a link between  David Smith’s   Olint and the Allen Stanford group.

In today Herald,  law professor David Rowe, seems to be suggesting that there may indeed be such a link.

He further suggested that Olint investors funds may have also been funneled into the Stanford Group of Companies, without its (Olint) investors knowledge.

Link to the above story


OLINT ‘Water’ Boy? No Way!

Mark Wignall has come out kicking against some revelations that if  they are true could raise serious questions. Having read the article he gives no indication that any of those e-mails we have seen have been false.

Instead much time has been spent giving a history lesson of when he started writing, his growth as a writer and involvement in the  OLINT affair.

Where is the proof?

The following quotes are of interest.

“What eventually sold me on OLINT was its ability to sustain the 2006 raid, sustain a 70 per cent withdrawal of funds and still survive.”

This has long been used as a selling point that OLINT was no scam – the ‘survival’ of Olint when the FSC came raiding. This is the problem when you have no transparency. This is not the case of the SEC falling down on their job like Madoff and now Stanford. The FSC wanted information and OLINT refused. Yet, people believed OLINT’s claim about this 70% without one shred of evidence to back it. Where did that figure of 70% come from?  Could it be independently verified? 70% of what, persons or funds?.

“A pyramid-like structure could never sustain such an incursion.”

Here is the problem with that statement.  One assumption being made on the premise that the first assumption  is true. The validity of the first assumption, i.e. the 70%, is not known, therefore the building on it  to declare a truth is not the way to go. Also a Pyramid scheme is defined slightly different from a PONZI.

In the February 2007 article, that appears to be part of the questioning the following quote is found:

“I have been informed that Olint will not be taking in any new customers until a time to be announced, probably in March(2007). The question I would like to ask Rutte Ginpebn is this: If Olint was a PONZI scheme, would it not have failed long ago, with no new funds coming in from the base to feed the top?”

Again, an assumption was made that a) a PONZI can’t last a long time b) no money was coming in. Firstly there are the Madoff and Lou Pearlman examples of PONZI’s that lasted a long time. Secondly, what should also be clear to everyone now is that OLINT survived by taking money through the back door, piggy backers and feeder clubs, and by moving offshore to the TCI and accepting wires there.

I still can’t believe that people ‘in the know’ did not know that Olint had a) so many feeder clubs, (many seen as liars now) and b) that the persons who were old customers could continue to add new money therefore become ‘piggy backers’.

His Defence

Mark Wignall acknowledges;

“It is quite true that one of my main sources was the PR arm of Olint I need to pose these questions”.  (bold added)

Those questions are listed below.

  1. “How many times have journalists, columnists sat down with various PR bodies to pose questions to them”?
  2. “Second, if my general views on the subject, the person or the entity are well known to those bodies, how can it be a secret as to where I may be going with a column next week”?

(see article The OlINT Saga: I was not David Smith’s Boy!)

Good questions, and reasonable answers. However the answer to the second question serves the interest of those looking for an ally, who knows a pawn, in the media. Control the PR getting to that influential journalist, given their known sympathies, and you will be  be sure the support from the masses will grow.


There is one e-mail that I found troubling. A certain banker  appears to send an e-mail to Mark Wignall with comments about ‘Literary Genius’ with references to another outspoken anti-UFO banker. That banker it is rumored, had jumbled his name to come up with a pseudonym used in a letter sent to the Observer. What does Mark Wignall do,  he appears to forward the ‘Literary Genius’ e-mail to ‘PR arm of Olint’.

The issue of seemingly sending an article to the group of persons now known as the ‘PR arm of Olint’  raises certain journalistic ethics and integrity questions. Should the subject of every article  therefore be given the right to review the article before publication?  From my research and common sense, such a practice should simply be avoided as it puts the journalist under undue pressure as the subject/representative might want the information toned up or down to suit their purposes.

My Question to Wignall are:

  1. Did he send and receive those emails, including forwarding the one from the Managing Director of a leading bank in Jamaica?
  2. Given what has come to light, does he still believe that OLINT, is not questionable operation much like Cash Plus?

I will add in his defence, sometimes you get used and you don’t even know you have been used. When King David got Joab, his army chief, to send Uriah to heat of the battle, Uriah had no clue that he was been set up.

OLINT vs Cash Plus
The truth is Wignall was a writer whose articles I read regularly. But even before these e-mails came to light and the subsequent innuendoes, I was very disappointed with his handling of the OLINT affair from early 2007. I was very displeased when he attempted to make a distinction between OLINT and Cash Plus, knowingly or unknowingly, effectively ‘unofficially’ declaring one legitimate and the other not.

Indeed ‘Water Boy’ or not, I thought it an irresponsible peice of Journalism. THis is the problem people with influence face. You have to be careful not just with what you endorse, but what you appear to endorse.

So far the main distinction is that one claimed to be dealing in Forex Trading and the other was claim to be conglomerate of companies in everything from real estate, cambio services, telcommuncations, hospitality and more.

THen, neither was  licensed by the FSC, both beleived that the FSC had no right to regulate them, but offered no transparency and no accountability. Then both offered fascinating rate of returns 10% per month in one case and in the other returns that averaged about 10% per month.

Today, they are still not registered or regulated by the FSC in Jamaica.  One is a declared Ponzi and in the hand of a receiver/liquidator and the other probably a ponzi too , and both have had their principals charged for fraud. Today, investors of both clubs are still left holding the empty bag.

BTW: If there are any  laws that this blog is flouting, please let us know by emailing us at hyipmyths [at] yahoo.com. Also the title is not a direct quote but an interpretation.



Wireless Expressions available again.

Many woke up this morning(February 15,2009) to discover that the Wireless Expressions Olint Blog was not up. Initially, some thought it was a blip but as at 5:00 p.m. the site remained down.

Wireless Expressions has been become a source of torment to some, an eye opener to others and to others, brought a wealth of information.

If 90% of what was posted on that blog turns out to be true, it would support the belief of some, that many Jamaicans, home and abroad, and Caribbean nationals would have fallen victim, possibly to a Forex Trader turn Ponzi Operator or an Ponzi Operator from the get go. A classic case of Affinity Fraud.

What other scams would have been perpetuated no one knows, but charges of uttering false documents and false accounting are serious in and of themselves.

 We hope that the brave souls who have been providing these  telling pieces of information on the wireless Expressions blogs are safe and sound.

While the means of doing somethings might be questionable, the message and the truth delivered must never be ignored.  We encourage people to use the proper means.

Well by the time, I was done writing and editing this, Wireless Expressions was once again available,

By the way(BTW): Investforlife is accepting information. You can slip an email to hyipmyths at yahoo.com. Oh remember to secure or delete it after you have sent it. Keep yourself safe.

This is a public service announcement and this post is likely to be removed.
