Olint affair is it now over?

With the closure of the TCI bank, which contained the remaining US$13M loot that David Smith has stolen, does this signal the end of this entire Olint affair?
John Connolly must have eggs all over his face, for failing to recognize that the place that he had placed the Olint loot (leftovers) was shaky and about to collapse.

As a forensic accountant/auditor one would have though he would have been able to see this on the horizon and as such seek to prevent further loss of the small sums which had been found.

I suppose John will no longer be the liquidator as now everything has been liquidated, and with no funds available, he cannot be paid for his services rendered as liquidator.

While the court case has now been moved to September, this is really meaningless for the thousands of Olint investors, who having now lost everything with the TCI bank closure, interest would d have now waned as people now really begin to start focus on recovery.