Bovell: OLINT Refused to be transparent (with interview)

An apparently disappointed, hurt and ‘troubled’ Peter Bovell told his side of the story.  Simply put only one person knows the story, David Smith. In Summary

  1. He and Joey Issa apparently still have money in OLINT. He and Joey Issa have no hundreds of millions in OLINT
  2. David Smith refused to show him the trading accounts. He begged David to get audited, be transparent, hoped the move to the TCI would have facilitated this.
  3. In February 2008, He told DS forget audited accounts let me see the money. He has not seen any proof that US $735/$750 million exists. 
  4. He felt the due diligence and other excuses were garbage
  5. Assisted David Smith to move to TCI with aim for David Smith to become legitimate.
  6. Earned a % of funds made by OLINT as part of earlier contract where he got a % of the profit. He acknowledges that it was profitable. 
  7. Terminated agreement in point #6 as he was tired of being in dark as he was frustrated with David’s resistance to be audited etc. Spilt with David in March 2008 or there about.
  8. Relationship with David Smith has soured as David Smith lied to him.
  9. Explored the Capital BLU partnership with OLINT but David Smith was not interested.
  10. Said he was never a director of OLINT
People are going to talk now, as the heat is on. 

Source: Nationwide News Network 

Click to Listen to Peter Bovell Interview


  • a section is missing. It was not deliberate. Once I get the full copy it will be posted, but since people are want to hear something here it is.
  • the quality is not the best
NB: To some critics why wanting to know why the audio late? We have other things doing…

TCI Police: Investigations could take months

Nothing incriminating yet is the word from the Police in the TCI according to a report published in the TCI Sun. The lead investigator was however quick to warn than that the investigations could months. Here is a quote from the article.

Meanwhile, investigator Mark Knighton of the Financial Crimes Unit, noted that it could take up to three months for his team to complete their probe into Smith’s local operations, quickly pointing out that so far their investigations yielded nothing incriminating.

The police claim they have a lot of documents and it is possible that they will need assistance from other jurisdictions.

“My experience is that, when you’ve got all these documents, and the possibility that other jurisdiction may be involved, this takes time. And the length of time it takes depends on the co-operation of the other jurisdictions. We have a lot of documents to go through, and when we have gone through these documents, then we will make a judgment whether or not we should proceed further,” Knighton said.

We have also heard reports on Nationwide that the police in TCI has sought and gotten additional help to speed up the investigations.

You can read more at 
